The largest Dental Care Group in Italy

For the oral health of the whole family

Opening hours

Monday to Saturday 9:00 - 20:00
1st Sunday of each month 9:00 - 19:00

Our location

Ground Floor / Map 2


Dr Alma Zyberi
Tel.: 039 9685 141
DentalPro, the largest dental care Group in Italy, takes care of the oral health of the whole family with general dentistry, implantology and orthodontics treatments delivered in welcoming facilities equipped with modern technologies and convenient opening hours.
The Medical Director of the DentalPro Centre is Dr Alma Zyberi, Reg. within the Provincial Register of Dentists of Lecco no. 0000000383 – 24/04/2019
DP Dent Srl San. Ats Brianza Healthc. Aut. – Acknowledgement no. 13959 of 28/04/2016 as amended.